============ Citing pyxem ============ If analysis using pyxem forms a part of published work please cite the work using the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2649351. If you use pyxem for orientation mapping, please also cite:: @article{pyxemorientationmapping2022, title={Free, flexible and fast: Orientation mapping using the multi-core and GPU-accelerated template matching capabilities in the python-based open source 4D-STEM analysis toolbox Pyxem}, author={Cautaerts, Niels and Crout, Phillip and {\AA}nes, H{\aa}kon Wiik and Prestat, Eric and Jeong, Jiwon and Dehm, Gerhard and Liebscher, Christian H}, journal={Ultramicroscopy}, pages={113517}, year={2022}, publisher={Elsevier}, doi={10.1016/j.ultramic.2022.113517} } In addition if you are releasing the data and code related to the work please add the link to the data on the Open Datasets page. Consider adding a new demo notebook as well if you are using a novel workflow. A list of papers citing pyxem can be found `here `_.